If you’re in the market for a recreational vehicle, camper/RV, boat, ATV, or motorcycle loan we have some of the best rates around.
Here are just some of the reasons to finance with us:
Finance up to 120 months
100% financing available on new RV's, campers, boats, and ATV's.
Borrow up to the NADA appraisal guide retail value on used vehicles
Convenient repayment options
We also finance farm equipment and other equipment that requires a UCC Lien. If you are unsure if we will finance, give us a call and we will be happy to help you.

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HCFCU has tried to provide accurate and timely information; however, the content of this site may not be accurate, complete or current and may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. From time to time changes may be made to the content of this site without notice. HCFCU may change the products, services, and any other information described on this site at any time. The information published on this site is provided as a convenience to visitors and is for informational purposes only. You should verify all information before relying on it and decisions based on information contained in our site are your sole responsibility.
If you are an individual with disabilities who needs accommodation, or you are having difficulty using our website to apply for a loan, please contact us at (501) 315-3162. This contact information is for accommodation requests only.
HCFCU does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Opportunity Act and is a member of the National Credit Union Administration.